
HTML custom element

CSS Selector Name Default Description
.ellipse-data-loading no CSS class implementation This class is applied to the <ellipse-data-cricket> widget tag while the widget contents are loading. A client could, by implementing it suitably, use it to hide the widget or help display a spinner over the widget during loading.
.ellipse-data-load-error no CSS class implementation This class is applied to the <ellipse-data-cricket> widget tag if the widget fails to load. A client could, by implementing it suitably, use it to hide the widget or display an error message to the user if the widget fails to load.
[disabled] 'opacity: 0.5' is applied This class is applied to the <ellipse-data-cricket> widget tag if the widget is disabled (using the disabled attribute). A client could target this CSS to alter the default appearance if the widget becomes disabled (eg. more/less opacity, or something different). Note that it is not possible to modify the disabled behaviour using this, just how the widget looks when disabled.
.ellipse-data-status-forthcoming no CSS class implementation This class is applied to the <ellipse-data-cricket> widget tag for type=winviz, while the match for the widget is forthcoming. A client could, by implementing it suitably with the other related status specifiers, use it to show the widget only for while the match is live.
.ellipse-data-status-live no CSS class implementation This class is applied to the <ellipse-data-cricket> widget tag for type=winviz, while the match for the widget is live. A client could, by implementing it suitably with the other related status specifiers, use it to show the widget only for while the match is live.
.ellipse-data-status-complete no CSS class implementation This class is applied to the <ellipse-data-cricket> widget tag for type=winviz, when the match for the widget is complete. A client could, by implementing it suitably with the other related status specifiers, use it to show the widget only for while the match is live.

Custom Property Name Default Description
--ed-common-font-family 'Open Sans', sans-serif Font family which will be used for a text element unless any more specific font family custom property is applied for that particular text element. (For more details refer to the 'Font Loading' sub-section within the 'Getting Started' section.)
--ed-common-background-color #fff Background color for the widget.
--ed-common-border-radius 0.375rem Border radius which will be used for an appropriate element unless any more specific border radius custom property is applied for that particular element.
--ed-common-home-innings-1 #558eff Color used to represent innings 1 for the home team.
--ed-common-home-innings-2 #073899 Color used to represent innings 2 for the home team.
--ed-common-away-innings-1 #610acc Color used to represent innings 1 for the away team.
--ed-common-away-innings-2 #af6dff Color used to represent innings 2 for the away team.
--ed-innings-edit-button-border-color #ebebed Border color of the user selectable innings button (eg. Manhattan)
--ed-innings-edit-button-hover-border-color var(--ed-innings-edit-button-border-color) Hover border color of the user selectable innings button (eg. Manhattan)
--ed-innings-edit-button-selected-border-color var(--ed-innings-edit-button-border-color) Selected color of the user selectable innings button (eg. Manhattan)
--ed-innings-edit-button-selected-hover-border-color var(--ed-innings-edit-button-border-color) Selected hover border color of the user selectable innings button (eg. Manhattan)
--ed-innings-view-label-background-color transparent Background color of the user innings label (eg. Manhattan Worm)
--ed-innings-view-label-border-color transparent Border color of the user innings label (eg. Manhattan Worm)
--ed-tabs-filter-button-color #0c5dff Color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-background-color #e7efff Background color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-border-color transparent Border color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-hover-color var(--ed-tabs-filter-button-color) Hover color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-hover-background-color #cedfff Hover background color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-hover-border-color var(--ed-tabs-filter-button-border-color) Hover border color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-active-color var(--ed-tabs-filter-button-color) Active color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-active-background-color #9ebeff Active background color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-tabs-filter-button-active-border-color var(--ed-tabs-filter-button-border-color) Active border color of the button which toggles the filter panel.
--ed-buttons-color #0c5dff Color of the unselected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-background-color #f8f8f8 Background color of the unselected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-hover-color var(--ed-buttons-color) Hover color of the unselected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-hover-background-color #e7efff Hover background color of the unselected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-selected-color #fff Color of the selected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-selected-background-color var(--ed-buttons-color) Background color of the selected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-selected-hover-color var(--ed-buttons-selected-color) Hover color of the selected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-selected-hover-background-color var(--ed-buttons-selected-background-color) Hover background color of the selected buttons in a button group.
--ed-buttons-border-color #ebebed Border color of the button group outer container.
--ed-buttons-border-radius 1.5rem Border radius of the button group outer container.
--ed-chart-text-color #686b7a Color of the text elements used in the Chart component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-chart-line-color #ebebed Color of the line elements used in the Chart component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-chart-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Font family of the text elements in the Chart component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-chart-font-weight var(--ed-common-font-weight) Font weight of the text elements in the Chart component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-chart-font-style normal Font style of the text elements in the Chart component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-chart-font-size 0.75rem Font size of the text elements in the Chart component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-checklist-checkmark-background-color #0c5dff Background color of checklist component's checkmark.
--ed-checklist-list-style-type none List style type of checklist component.
--ed-checklist-border-color #fff Border color of checklist component.
--ed-checklist-hover-border-color #c3c4ca Hover border color of checklist component.
--ed-checklist-active-border-color #0c5dff Active border color of checklist component.
--ed-checklist-selected-border-color #ebebed Selected border color of checklist component.
--ed-checklist-selected-hover-border-color var(--ed-checklist-hover-border-color) Selected hover border color of checklist component.
--ed-checklist-selected-active-border-color var(--ed-checklist-active-border-color) Selected active border color of checklist component.
--ed-field-background-color transparent Background color of field component (eg. Wagonwheel).
--ed-field-border-radius var(--ed-common-border-radius) Border radius of field component (eg. Wagonwheel).
--ed-field-zone-key-border-radius var(--ed-common-border-radius) Border radius of the zone key elements (eg. Wagonwheel).
--ed-filter-color #555 Color of the text in the filters.
--ed-filter-title-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Font family of the text in the filters.
--ed-filter-title-font-weight 700 Font weight of the text in the filters.
--ed-filter-title-font-style normal Font style of the text in the filters.
--ed-filter-title-text-transform none text-transform specifier applied to the filter title.
--ed-filter-title-letter-spacing normal letter-spacing specifier applied to the filter title.
--ed-filter-background-color #f8f8f8 Background color of the filter component.
--ed-filter-border-color var(--ed-filter-background-color) Border color of the filter component.
--ed-filter-hover-background-color transparent Hover background color of the filter component.
--ed-filter-hover-border-color #c3c4ca Hover border color of the filter component.
--ed-filter-opened-color var(--ed-filter-color) Color of the text in the filter when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-title-font-family var(--ed-filter-title-font-family) Font family of the text in the filter when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-title-font-weight var(--ed-filter-title-font-weight) Font weight of the text in the filter when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-title-font-style var(--ed-filter-title-font-style) Font style of the text in the filter when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-background-color transparent Background color of the filter component when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-border-color var(--ed-filter-border-color) Border color of the filter component when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-hover-background-color transparent Hover background color of the filter component when the filter is opened.
--ed-filter-opened-hover-border-color var(--ed-filter-hover-border-color) Hover border color of the filter component when the filter is opened.
--ed-footer-title-color #040921 Color of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-title-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Font family of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-title-font-weight 700 Font weight of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-title-font-style normal Font style of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-title-font-size 1rem Font size of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-suffix-color var(--ed-footer-title-color) Color of the suffix in the footer.
--ed-footer-suffix-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Font family of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-suffix-font-weight 400 Font weight of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-suffix-font-style normal Font style of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-suffix-font-size 0.875rem Font size of the title in the footer.
--ed-footer-border 0.075rem solid #ebebed Border at the top of the footer.
--ed-header-title-color #040921 Color of the title in the header.
--ed-header-title-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Font family of the title in the header.
--ed-header-title-font-weight 700 Font weight of the title in the header.
--ed-header-title-font-style normal Font style of the title in the header.
--ed-header-title-font-size 1rem Font size of the title in the header.
--ed-header-suffix-color var(--ed-header-title-color) Color of the suffix in the header.
--ed-header-suffix-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Font family of the suffix in the header.
--ed-header-suffix-font-weight 400 Font weight of the suffix in the header.
--ed-header-suffix-font-style normal Font style of the suffix in the header.
--ed-header-suffix-font-size 0.875rem Font size of the suffix in the header.
--ed-header-border 0.075rem solid #ebebed Border at the bottom of the header.
--ed-key-button-border-color #ebebed Border color of the unselected buttons in the key (eg. runs selector key).
--ed-key-button-hover-border-color #c3c4ca Hover border color of the unselected buttons in the key (eg. runs selector key).
--ed-key-button-selected-border-color #ebebed Border color of the selected buttons in the key (eg. runs selector key).
--ed-key-button-selected-hover-border-color #c3c4ca Hover border color of the selected buttons in the key (eg. runs selector key).
--ed-range-color #0c5dff Color of selected part of the range in the dual range selector component (eg. overs selector).
--ed-range-background-color #d4dfff Color of non-selected part of the range in the dual range selector component (eg. overs selector).
--ed-range-input-border-color #afb0b8 Border color of the input boxes in the dual range selector component (eg. overs selector).
--ed-select-background-color #fff Background color of the select dropdown (eg. grid metric selector).
--ed-select-border-color #ebebed Border color of the select dropdown (eg. grid metric selector).
--ed-select-hover-border-color var(--ed-select-border-color) Hover border color of the select dropdown (eg. grid metric selector).
--ed-slider-background-color #ebebed Background color of the slider component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-slider-thumb-background-color #648dff Background color of the slider component thumb (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-slider-thumb-background-hover-color #0c5dff Hover background color of the slider component thumb (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-slider-border-radius 1rem Border radius of the slider component (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-slider-thumb-border-radius var(--ed-slider-border-radius) Border radius of the slider component thumb (eg. Manhattan).
--ed-winviz-bar-graphic-height 20px Height of the WinViz bar layout bar graphic.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-graphic initial Set to 'none' to hide the team graphics on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-graphic-padding 10px The padding above and to the side of the team graphic.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-graphic-dimension 64px The height and width of the (square) team graphic.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-name-color var(--ed-common-text-color-dark) Team name color on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-name-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Team name font family on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-name-font-size 1rem Team name font size on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-team-name-font-weight 400 Team name font weight on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-percent-color var(--ed-common-text-color-dark) Bar percent color on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-percent-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Bar percent font family on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-percent-font-size 30px Bar percent font size on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-percent-font-weight 700 Bar percent font weight on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-draw-color var(--ed-common-text-color-dark) Bar draw color on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-draw-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Bar draw font family on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-draw-font-size 14px Bar draw font size on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-draw-font-weight 400 Bar draw font weight on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-bar-draw-percent-font-weight 700 Bar draw percent font weight on the WinViz bar layout.
--ed-winviz-donut-label-color var(--ed-common-text-color-dark) Text label color on the WinViz donut layout.
--ed-winviz-donut-label-font-family var(--ed-common-font-family) Text label font family on the WinViz donut layout.
--ed-winviz-donut-label-font-size 14px Text label font size on the WinViz donut layout.
--ed-winviz-donut-label-font-weight 400 Text label font weight on the WinViz donut layout.
--ed-winviz-donut-percent-font-weight 700 Text label percent font weight on the WinViz donut layout.