
HTML custom element


[Note that provided HTML attribute values should be applied within string quotes]
Name customer-id
Description CricViz customer identifier.
Values alphanumeric string
Default empty
Required true

Name player
Description CricViz player identifier.
Values number
Default empty
Required true

Name comp-type
Description CricViz competition type identifier.
Values number
Default empty
Required true
Example '1' (for Test competition type)

Name date-start
Description Start date of the data range to show. From start of this day (UTC).
Values number
Default 1970-01-01
Required false
Example '2017-03-15'

Name date-end
Description End date of the data range to show. To end of this day (UTC).
Values number
Default to infinity (i.e. includes all)
Required false
Example '2022-12-31'

Name grid-metric
Description The metric to be applied in the Grid view.
Values 'runs' (Runs total) / 'runs_pct' (Runs %) / 'balls' (Balls total) / 'balls_pct' (Balls %) / 'sr' (Strike rate) / 'avg' (Average) / 'bnd_pct' (Boundary %) / 'dot_pct' (Dot %) / 'ss_pct' (Scoring shots %) / 'bpd' (Balls per dismissal)
Default 'runs'
Required false

Name overs
Description Allows overs range to be selected.
Values number / comma-separated Numbers / 'all'
Default 'all'
Required false
Example '11,20' (to show second half of a T20 innings)

Name runs
Description Allows runs selection to be selected.
Values number / comma-separated Numbers / 'all'
Default 'all'
Required false
Example '4,6' (to just show boundaries)

Name include
Description Hosts widget specific features which can be turned on by inclusion in the value string.
Values comma-separated features to include from 'header', 'footer', 'axis-horizontal', 'axis-vertical', 'grid-labels', 'range-markers', 'two-runs'
Default empty
Required false
Example 'header,axis-horizontal,axis-vertical,grid-labels' (to just turn on this set of include features)

Name title
Description If a value is added this will override (and be shown as) the first part of the header/footer components.
Values string
Default empty
Required false

Name suffix
Description If a value is added this will override (and be shown as) the second part of the header/footer components.
Values string
Default empty
Required false

Name disabled
Description If applied, this attribute will disable the widget (both user interaction and network data requests (except analytics)).
Values This is a value-less attribute. Adding this attribute with any (or no value) will turn this feature on.
Default not present
Required false

Name disable-analytics
Description If applied, this attribute will disable internal tracking of key events, and hence not send any information to the internal analytics provider.
Values This is a value-less attribute. Adding this attribute with any (or no value) will turn this feature on.
Default not present
Required false